
Expression is feeling closest to God when you are creating - whether it is through writing, painting, playing an instrument, filming, dancing, etc.

What is Expression?

Connecting with God through Expression means you feel close to God and commune with Him while creating. God loves creativity! Not only is He a creative God, but He made you in His image. This means you have creativity in you, whether you know it or not. He has given everyone gifts and the ability to create within those gifts. Whether the expression is a hobby or an activity you use to pass time, you can encounter God through it.

Invite God into the process of using your gifts by welcoming His presence as you create. Ask Him what gifts He has given you! Your gifts and passion come from the Lord. Seek God’s heart for the gifts He has given you by asking Him, “What would you like me to do for you?” He is never short of inspiration. When you ask Him for ideas, He is near to create and connect with you!

If it's been a long time since you've created, ask God to breathe fresh life into your creative expression. No matter the type of creativity—it belonged to God before it ever fell into your hands. Give it back to the Lord and know you can always begin again. There is freedom, healing, and deliverance in His presence as you give your expression to Him!

As you grow in connecting with God through Expression, know that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Release the pressure of performing or doing something right the first time. When a child brings their father a drawing they made, the father delights in that gift! In the same way, God loves when we create with and for Him. Regardless of the outcome, He delights in your creative expression. Welcome the opportunity to create with your Dad in your daily encounter. When we create, we are expressing ourselves, being vulnerable, and offering it to the Lord.