
Learning is when God teaches you new revelation you didn’t know before.

What is learning?

Through learning, you enter into God’s presence and you feel closest to Him when He shares His revelation with you.

The Greek word for "revelation" is apokálypsis, which literally means "to lift the veil." Like a bride at the altar looking at her bridegroom, she only sees in part until the bridegroom lifts the veil from her eyes, allowing her to look fully upon His face. When we encounter God through learning, Jesus Himself lifts the veil by giving us revelation (insight) into His word and His thoughts. Every bit of revelation not only teaches us His ways but allows us to look more fully upon His face and know Him. As you read through Scripture and something grabs your attention, don't mistake an invitation into learning as a distraction. Instead, pull on the loose thread that the Lord has laid before you. He is inviting you down Holy rabbit trails! When He is giving you insight on a topic that leads to another, follow where He is leading you! He is giving you access to something once hidden, allowing you to encounter Him in a new way.

Proverbs 25:2- "it is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings."

Parents understand what it's like to put toys away over and over again only for our children to joyfully pull them out every single time. It can be easy to get frustrated by that cycle but notice how children aren't frustrated that their toys are hidden over and over again. Instead, they take joy every time they find them. It is the Father's pleasure to conceal things in His word because He takes delight in the joy we experience as we uncover it. Know that God created us to encounter Him through learning! As we seek out the mysteries of God, He desires to make them simple so we can encounter Him every step of the way.

You can connect with God through learning in everyday life as He teaches you through the examples around you. Jesus often taught His disciples through trees, farming parables, and other various things, but know that those things are no substitute for His Word. Make sure to spend time in the word of God!