
is when you intentionally focus on His Word, digest it, and allow it to become alive in you.

What is meditation?

You connect with God by intentionally focusing on His Word, digesting it, and allowing it to become alive in you. Connecting with God through meditation is not just reading your Bible, but allowing every word to transform and renew your mind. Renew means to resume after an interruption. The thoughts we love to lean into all day will have interruptions, but it’s in the returning or resuming that allows renewal to take place.

The daily habit of meditation creates a residence for the Holy Spirit to dwell in continuously. When you meditate daily, you are actively taking every thought captive and aligning it with God’s heart and mind. In meditation, we are telling our minds, “You belong to God!”. Consistency in meditating on God’s word will bring renewal to your mind, emotions, and breakthrough. When you give God the territory and real estate of your mind, it allows you to steward Jesus in every place around you. There is a promise of blessing to those who meditate on God’s word day and night!

Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Through meditation, we are actively walking out the prophetic word of expanding territory in the renewing of our minds. We are expanding in our mental real estate! The enemy will not have one inch! He will not have one thought! This is the year of expanding territory. This is the year of the renewing of your mind. This is the year of expanding territory in spiritual strength. As you grow in connecting with God through Meditation, expect the unexpected. Be open to God revealing new facets of Himself when you slow down and intentionally focus on His word. This is what your daily encounters are all about.